

  1. SV
  2. SVC
  3. SVO
  4. SVOO
  5. SVOC


  1. 主詞 S
  2. 動詞 V
  3. 受詞 O
  4. 補語 C


  • 介係詞片語
  • 形容詞片語、形容詞子句
  • 副詞片語、副詞子句



  1. 看到 冠詞(a/an/the) + ___ + 介係詞 的形式時,選擇名詞
  2. 及物動詞後面,選擇名詞
  3. 熟悉 名詞+名詞 的模式,第一個名詞當作adj,修飾第二個名詞
  4. 選項中剩兩個名詞時,選擇 語意較通順



  • 看到 冠詞(a/an/the) + ___ + 名詞 的形式時,填入形容詞的可能性很高
  • 看到 be動詞+___ 的形式時,填入形容詞的可能性很高
  • 熟悉 動名詞+名詞 的名詞詞組模式
  • 介係詞to的後面 ,選擇動名詞

句子:a / an + adj + n

形容詞與副詞都是修飾語,形容詞是用來修飾「名詞」或「代名詞」;而副詞則是用來修飾「動詞」、「形容詞」或其他「副詞」。 這些修飾語可有可無, 拿掉修飾語並不影響句子結構的正確性;然而少了修飾語,卻會削弱語文表達的能力。



  1. 句型的構成要素具備時,選擇副詞
  2. 助動詞和動詞之間,選擇副詞
  3. be動詞和過去分詞之間,選擇副詞
  4. 修飾形容詞的位置,選擇副詞

形容詞與副詞都是修飾語,形容詞是用來修飾「名詞」或「代名詞」;而副詞則是用來修飾「動詞」、「形容詞」或其他「副詞」。 這些修飾語可有可無, 拿掉修飾語並不影響句子結構的正確性;然而少了修飾語,卻會削弱語文表達的能力。


tense 時態


以動詞 take 為例,下表列出 take 與助動詞 (Be, have, shall / will) 形成各種時態:

簡單 進行 完成 完成進行
現在 take, takes am, are, is + taking have, has + taken have, has + been taking
過去 took was, were + taking had + taken had been taking
未來 shall, will + take shall, will + be taking shall, will + have taken shall, will + have been taking

auxiliary verb 助動詞

  • 助動詞本身並沒有詞義,它是用來幫助主要動詞(main verb)形成各種時態、語氣、語態、疑問句、或否定句。
  • 一個句子只能有一個主要動詞,但助動詞卻可以有一個、兩個或最多三個。請參考動詞片語
  • 若是被動語態,則動詞片語的助動詞還可以多大四個。
助動詞 功能 例句
be is, am, are
was, were
be, being, been
進行式 He is watching TV.
被動語態 His car was stolen.
have have, has, had 完成式 I have finished my homework.
do do, does, did 疑問句 Does it cost a lot?
否定句 I don't like apple.
加強語氣 I do want you to be successful.
代替前面的主要動詞 He speaks faster than she does.
情態助動詞 will, would
shall, should
can, could
may, might
must, ought to
放在主要動詞前,改變主要動詞的意義 I will go on vacation next month.

Ref: 實用基礎文法 - 助動詞

participle 分詞


  1. 用法:動狀詞、名詞
  2. 例句:
    1. 作為主詞:Smoking damages your lungs.
    2. 作為受詞:You should quit smoking.
    3. 作為補語:His favorite hobby is smoking.
    4. 作為同位語:His only bad habit, smoking, annoyed me.
    5. 扮演名詞組合成動名詞片語:Cleaning the house is really a chore.


  1. 用法1:形容詞
  2. 例句:
    1. 修飾名詞:The barking dog next door almost drove us crazy last week.
    2. 作為主詞補語:This book is interesting.
    3. 作為受詞補語:She kept her boyfriend waiting for over an hour.
    4. 現在分詞片語當形容詞使用:Hearing the noise, the girl woke up.
  3. 用法2:助動詞 + 現在分詞 -> 進行式
  4. 例句:
    1. 現在進行式:I am writing a book。
    2. 過去進行式:She was reading a book when her father called.
    3. 未來進行式:I will be working late at the office tonight.
    4. 現在完成進行式:I have been dating my boyfriend for more than a year.
    5. 過去完成進行式:Alice had been singing for an hour before the rain began falling.
    6. 未來完成進行式:She will have been waiting for over two hours when the train finally comes.


  1. 用法1:形容詞
  2. 例句:
    1. 修飾名詞:The burned toast tasted awful.
    2. 作為主詞補語:Her mother felt worried.
    3. 作為受詞補語:She had her photo taken.
    4. 過去分詞片語當形容詞使用:Frightened by the thunder, the cat hid under the couch.
  3. 用法2:助動詞 + 過去分詞 -> 完成式時態
  4. 例句:
    1. 現在完成式:Have you done your homework yet?
    2. 過去完成式:The plane had already taken off when I arrived at the airport.
    3. 未來完成式:I will have lived here for five years by end of next month.
  5. 用法3:助動詞 + 過去分詞 -> 被動語態
  6. 例句:
    1. 被動語氣:Since Nicole was sick, she was allowed to leave early.
    2. 被動語氣:This story was written by Helen Keller.


  1. 實用基礎文法 - 動名詞
  2. 實用基礎文法 - 現在分詞
  3. 實用基礎文法 - 過去分詞

singular & plural 單複數


Ref: 實用基礎文法 - 單數動詞與複數動詞

Ref: file5940_14.pdf

preposition 介詞


Ref: Prepositions - Grammar - Academic Guides at Walden University

preposition list

  • in / on / at
  • of
    • in spite of
    • because of
    • regardless of
  • to(也有可能是不定词)
    • due to
    • according to
    • in addition to
  • for
    • except for
  • place, time and range:
    • above
    • along
    • around
    • behind
    • below
    • beneath
    • beside
    • besides
    • between
    • inside
    • into
    • near
    • onto
    • outside
    • under
    • up
    • upon
    • via
    • with
    • within
    • without
  • others:
    • during
    • despite
    • from
    • by

Ref: Preposition List | Grammar | EnglishClub

in, on, at

-> 自己的理解筆記:

  1. 地點:
    • in:山城車內
    • on:街區樓車
    • at:精確地址
  2. 時間:
    • in:除上述外
    • on:精確到這週(on weekend)、這星期(on Friday)、有指定日期(Apr 4th)
    • at:精確到小時、時間

Ref: Everyday Grammar: In, On, and At

to + verb-ing

  • look forward to
  • when it comes to
  • object to
  • resort to
  • be/get used to
  • be/get accustomed to
  • be/get committed to

to + verb-root

  • regret to do
  • want to do
  • aim to do
  • offer to do
  • manage to do
  • intend to do
  • plan to do

verb + person + to + verb-root:

  • want 人 to do
  • allow 人 to do
  • ask 人 to do
  • encourage 人 to do
  • expect 人 to do
  • require 人 to do

conjunction 連接詞



  • although
  • though
  • even though
  • because
  • when
  • as soon as
  • once
  • if
  • while
  • whereas


  • before
  • after
  • since
  • until
  • than
  • as


  • when
  • while
  • though
  • unless
  • as
  • if



