


ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(1); // error



API 中的示例:



Generic methods are those that are written with a single method declaration and can be called with arguments of different types. The compiler will ensure the correctness of whichever type is used. These are some properties of generic methods:

  • Generic methods have a type parameter (the diamond operator enclosing the type) before the return type of the method declaration
  • Type parameters can be bounded
  • Generic methods can have different type parameters separated by commas in the method signature
  • Method body for a generic method is just like a normal method

An example of defining a generic method to convert an array to a list

public <T> List<T> fromArrayToList(T[] a) {
    return Arrays.stream(a).collect(Collectors.toList());

In the previous example, the <T> in the method signature implies that the method will be dealing with generic type T. This is needed even if the method is returning void.

As mentioned above, the method can deal with more than one generic type, where this is the case, all generic types muse be added to the method signature, for example, if we want to modify the above method to deal with type T and type G, it should be written like this:

public static <T, G> List<G> fromArrayToList(T[] a, Function<T, G> mapperFunction) {
    return Arrays.stream(a)

We’re passing a function that converts an array with the elements of type T to list with elements of type G. An example would be to convert Integer to its String representation:

public void givenArrayOfIntegers_thanListOfStringReturnOK() {
    Integer[] intArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    List<String> stringList = Generics.fromArrayToList(intArray, Object::toString);
    assertThat(stringList, hasItems("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"));

It is worth noting that Oracle recommendation is to use an uppercase letter to represent a generic type and to choose a more descriptive letter to represent formal types, for example in Java Collections T is used for type, K for key, V for value.

Here have more generics information:



public interface Response<T> {
    T getBeanResponseBody();

    T getListResponseBody();

    T getMapResponseBody();

    T getJSONResponseBody();

    T getStringResponseBody();

    T getExceptionResponseBody();


public class ResponseFactory<T> implements Response<T> {
    public T getBeanResponseBody() {
        return (T) new BeanResponseBody();

    public T getListResponseBody() {
        return (T) new ListResponseBody();

    public T getMapResponseBody() {
        return (T) new MapResponseBody();

    public T getJSONResponseBody() {
        return (T) new JSONResponseBody();

    public T getStringResponseBody() {
        return (T) new StringResponseBody();

    public T getExceptionResponseBody() {
        return (T) new ExceptionResponseBody();


private Response<BeanResponseBody> beanFactory;

private Response<ListResponseBody> listFactory;

BeanResponseBody responseBody = beanFactory.getBeanResponseBody();

ListResponseBody responseBody = listFactory.getListResponseBody();


List <? extends Fruit>List中所有元素都是Fruit的子类(包含本身)

List <? super Fruit>:List中所有元素都是Fruit的父类(包含本身)



常用的T, E, K, V, ?

泛型 <T> 和 泛型 <?>

Class<T> 和 Class<?>
